Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was walking home late Friday night after watching Casino Royale with Eddy. Heading North on 3rd Ave, I came across this homeless man in a wheelchair. He was dragging his suitcase by threading his left foot through the handle and trying to propel himself backwards with his right foot. He had a plastic bag with some cups and other utensils. I assumed this was everything he owned in this world.

Sadly, I would normally just breeze by him, but something slowed me down this night. Perhaps it was the chill in the air since the cold front had blown through earlier, but I believe it was something else. As I slowed down cautiously, he leaned to me and said "sir, could you open that door for me back there?" His voice was shaky and he looked very weak so I stopped. I said to myself, Lord, I'm gonna help this guy, please watch over me.

I pulled him in his wheelchair dragging his suitcase over to the bank lobby that he wanted to get into. I reminded him that this was a bank and for sure the door was locked and we would not be able to get in, but I tried anyway. I tugged at the handle and and it didn't budge. I tried again and nothing. I told him it was locked. He begged me to continue pulling. My heart sank as I told him that it was locked for the third time. Then I looked up and said Lord, please help me and pulled on the handle one last time. It opened! I was so happy that I didn't even think about the consequences of breaking an entering into a bank! I pulled him inside and put him in the corner where it was warmest. As I pulled his suitcase upright and set the rest of his belongings by his side so that he could reach them, he began to praise God in a way I have never witnessed. I don't know if this man has ever set foot in a church but his praise was more powerful than any service I've been to. He cried as he told me how all he wanted was for someone to help him get out of the cold. He had been out on the street for the past 4 hours asking anyone to help him less than 30 feet into this haven so he could be warm. Listening to this, I began to cry too. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my heart ached and in that moment I felt God was with us.

I gave him everything I had in my wallet, 17 dollars. He didn't ask for it, I wished it could've been more. He continued to cry "Praise God, Praise God!" As I left, I couldn't help but feel extreme happiness and sadness all at once. I was so blessed to be able to help him and I was so sad at the same time thinking about how he must have felt as all those people passed by him without a care. It's in these moments that I'm reminded of how blessed I am. It's hard to find words to describe how thankful I am for God's love.

Be thankful friends, no matter how hard it seems sometimes,'s not that bad!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow it has been 8 years since you wrote this blog Danny. Sometimes you don't know where you are going until you remember where you have been. Nice to revisit our past from time to to time. God said "do this unto the the least of these and you do it unto me" I can only assume this man was one of the least of,these. I prayed that God will send you a wife Danny. With Sarah and Jason's story one never knows ow many twists and turns God will take before finlally leading you to the one. Don't discount any possibility Jason and Sarah are,living proof of that. God can change your "Wanter" if you let him.
Love Nancy

Take care and "Keep on keeping on,praying that is .
Love Nancy