Birthday Thoughts...
After a much needed vacation to Florida to gather my thoughts and strength, I have returned to start a new chapter in my life. Florida was unbelievable! I love my old friends down there and the beautiful beaches are so welcoming and the ocean is as blue as it's been in my dreams as of late.
I know the vibe is just different down there, it's a non-stop party but it can get old rather quick. Of course, as soon as I got in my cab from Laguardia back to my apartment, I realized that this is definitely my home. There's just something magical about New York that I have yet to be able to put into words, and a part of me doesn't want to be able to as I'm afraid that when I can finally describe what it is that draws me to this place; I will be bored with it.
Looking forward to Spring in Manhattan is almost as good as waiting for Christmas morning. Tomorrow I turn 32. Where does the time go? I mean really, that sounds so cliche, but I am sitting here, 10 minutes from my birthday and I'm wondering what have I done in my life and where will God lead me in the coming year?
My Good friend Geoff's wife gave birth to their first child last night! I went to visit them in the hospital after church today and it was such a beautiful experience. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wasn't scared or freaked out to pick up his new born baby and play with him. I guess a part of me wanted to see what it would be like when my sister and my brother's wife have their kids in September. Wow, that's all I can say about the miracle of life.
Lord! what's next?? I am so thankful for all that you have given me, but I'm so excited about this coming year that I can hardly hold a thought in my head. I feel like tomorrow will be the beginning of a long journey of which I do not know the conclusion. All I know is that there are no accidents, and everything that you've done in my life is just leading me closer to you.
Happy Birthday to me! April 2nd 2007